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Can Airbags Injure You in a Car Accident?
/02 Sep 2017
/By admin
Modern passenger vehicles are required to have airbags because these devices can provide a great deal of protection during a crash. However, it is possible that the airbags in your vehicle could actually be the cause of injuries in a crash. Airbags could also cause injuries to drivers and passengers even if a vehicle is...
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Self Driving Car Accidents
/31 Aug 2017
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If you were to get into an accident in a self-driving car, who would be at fault for the collision? That is one of the primary questions that regulators must answer before autonomous vehicles are allowed on American roadways. The good news is that there are several viable ideas being considered that could resolve this...
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How do you pick an executor?
/31 Aug 2017
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A person who makes a will is called the testator. In his or her will, the testator ordinarily appoints an executor. That executor operates in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is given power to take action on behalf of the deceased in order to honor their final wishes. The fiduciary is entrusted...
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Most Common Knee Injuries in Personal Injury Claims
/22 Aug 2017
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Knees are so central to the human body, and quite complex; while they have a limited range of motion compared to other joints, they are responsible for carrying most of our body weight. As such, they are a common spot where injuries occur. Chances are, if you’re dealing with a personal injury related to an...
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How to Prove Causation
/17 Jun 2017
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While preparing for your personal injury case, you may have heard your attorney talk about “causation” or “proximate cause” a lot. These are very important legal terms in all personal injury cases, but can be a little complicated to understand. At its root, causation means that the actions of the defendant led to the plaintiff’s...
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Pet Trusts
/07 Jun 2017
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With dog being man’s best friend, it is important to take care of your best friend after your passing. This article not only applies to dogs but any type of pet. What happens to your pet after you pass away? Will your family really care for your pet after your passing? Will your pet have...
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