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Common Questions about Nursing Home Abuse

nursing home lawyer Washington, D.CA Nursing Home Lawyer, Washington, D.C Trusts Answers

If you or someone you love has been mistreated in a nursing home, chances are you will want to know what your rights are and whether you can take legal action. You will likely have a number of questions when faced with nursing home abuse. A nursing home lawyer may be vital when it comes to answering the many questions you may be plagued with and outlining the best course of action based on your very specific situation.

What standards are nursing home facilities held to?

Nursing homes are held to strict standards when providing care to residents. These standards must be in place in order for a nursing home to be able to accept Medicare and Medicaid. In the event that a patient is injured or dies when under the care of a nursing home facility, they may be held responsible, especially if they are found negligent or liable. Some standards that must be upheld by facilities include:

  • Having adequate staffing within the facility
  • To meet the specific needs of each patient and the care they require. Meeting these needs must be tailored to individual patient care.
  • Each patient must have an individualized plan of care that details how the nursing home will meet the patient’s individual needs.
  • A plan to manage the spread of infections and/or diseases
  • Provide support and help to patients with toileting issues.
  • Never use a feeding tube unless medically necessary.

There are a number of other standards that facilities are required to follow. The reality is, if something seems off, it probably is. Take the time to act immediately to prevent further abuse from happening. Educate yourself and contact a nursing home lawyer in Washington D.C. if necessary.

What are common ways a resident’s rights may have been violated in a nursing home?

Nursing home residents are afforded certain rights when residing in a nursing home. These rights were enacted to protect residents living in certified nursing homes. Unfortunately, abuse, mistreatment, or violation of a residents rights within a nursing home facility is more common than one may think. Upon admission into a nursing home, a staff member should go over your rights, a few examples include:

  • To be treated respectfully
  • To be given a voice in their care
  • The right to visitors
  • To file a complaint without fear of recourse

If you believe that the rights of a loved one have been violated, or they have been harmed in a nursing home setting, it may be time to speak with a nursing home lawyer.

What legal recourse might I be able to take?

If you or a loved one has been injured or abused while in the care of a nursing home facility, you may be able to take legal action. The first step is gathering as much information as possible, this may prove to be useful later down the road when proving your case. Listen carefully to your loved one for as many details regarding the abuse. They may appear disoriented or confused, take note of any changes that you are noticing. In the midst of this, it’s vital to secure their safety. This is sure to be a stressful time, it’s difficult to watch someone you love suffering. Report any abuse to the authorities and speak with a Washington D.C. nursing home lawyer as soon as possible. If your loved one has suffered damages in some way, the nursing home may be held responsible.  

It’s normal to feel completely overwhelmed with questions and by the process that lies before you. Working closely with a nursing home lawyer Washington, D.C clients trust from Brown Kiely, LLP who has experience in this area of practice may prove to be key in obtaining the guidance you are looking for.