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Commercial Litigation Lawyer Potomac, MD

The beauty of business partnerships is that it can bring together people from different walks of life. However, this is also where trouble can begin. Knowing this, our Potomac, MD commercial litigation lawyer wants to assist you with any difficulties that arise when conducting business with other parties.

What A Commercial Litigation Lawyer Can Offer

If a settlement cannot be met through other means such as mediation or arbitration, then the next step is litigation. Working with our legal team at Brown Kiely LLP can prove to be crucial if this is the route you have to take. Litigation tends to be expensive and laborious, which is why our team values collaboration and a cost-effective approach.

When litigation occurs, all documents within the case are made public, which may lead to classified information being available to people it otherwise wouldn’t be. Our Potomac commercial litigation lawyer would then likely suggest parties pursue alternative dispute resolution, which maintains privacy.

Commercial Litigation Issues We Assist With

There’s no telling when a problem might come up in the course of your business. It may happen when profits are soaring, or when you’ve decided to close shop. Throughout our years of practicing litigation law, we’ve handled cases in the following areas:

  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty. This can occur when an individual in the position of trust acts in a way that represents their personal interests rather than those of the person or entity they were contracted to protect. Some examples include insider trading, pocketing profits at the detriment of the business, and keeping important information to themselves.
  • Confidentiality Agreements. Perhaps the most important aspect of any business is ensuring their business strategies, personnel records, and trade secrets stay confidential. If a confidentiality agreement is violated by another party, it can put the entire company at risk, both in terms of reputation and profit.
  • Severance Agreements. This is a legal document that outlines what types of rights and duties the employee and employer have upon termination of the employee. Tension may already be running high in this situation, which is why it can be ideal to work with a professional, along with the fact that these agreements often include convoluted clauses including non-disparagement and non-compete clauses.
  • Partner or Shareholder Capital Contributions. Contributions can take a variety of forms: property, money, assets, or time on the job. The importance of all of these are that they prove a partner or shareholder has significant interest in the company. This establishes one’s commitment to the business’s success. If a party feels that another member isn’t making adequate contributions, this can lead to disagreements and potentially legal action.

It can be difficult to decipher if legal counsel is necessary in your specific circumstances. By giving our Potomac commercial litigation lawyer a call, you’ll be ensuring you are covering all your bases when it comes to resolving a dispute effectively. Brown Kiely LLP is here to help with your dispute, whatever it may be. Reach out to us today to learn more.